Hey everybody,
I'm Sara, and I'm just another teen who's using the internet to
fill up the boredom in their life. This web site doesn't even really have a
point other then to display whatever I happen to put on it. I'm not makin' money,
or trying to get in trouble. Just enjoying freedom. I'll try to update the site as often as possible, so if you like what I have so far, keep checkin' back. If you wanna contact me, my email
address is at the bottom of the page. Happy surfing...

Last Updated: November 4, 2002

Information and Pictures on....

(Tobey Maguire) <From Spider-man

(Legolas) <From LOTR

(Tom Felton) <From HP

(Shakespeare) <From Shakespeare in Love

(Elijah Wood) <From lots of stuff:)

(Brooklyn) <Spot Conlon From Newsies

(Harry Potter) <The movie :)

(Upcoming) <list of coming additions

(Bible Studies) <Notes from different Bible Studies I'm part of

(Inspirational) <Inspirational Tidbits

(Poll) <The poll...

(Friends) <Links to some friends' pages

(Surprise!) <A Surprise for all of the LOTR fans

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[Guestbook by TheGuestBook.com]

email me @     SVJaguarXJ220@msn.com


DISCLAIMER: I'm not and/or don't have contact with any of the actors/actresses featured on my website. I borrowed my pictures from various sites,
and i will try to add a link to all of them. If I'm using one of your pictures and I didn't add a link for any reason,
then email me with a link to your site.
I will try to find as many sites as possible, and am always ready to post more links.
This is a non-profit making site. I'm just a fan.